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Application guidance

Vitaros is applied topically as a cream.

Introducing our pre-filled applicator

Vitaros comes in a pre-filled AccuDose applicator containing enough medication for one use.
You can only use the applicator once and it must be discarded after use.

Applying Vitaros

Follow our step-by-step process below and be sure to review the Patient Information Leaflet if you are unsure.

Your medication should be applied 5-30 minutes before attempting intercourse.[1]

1. Preparing to apply your medication

Wash your hands. Remove your applicator from the foil pouch and remove the cap from the tip of the applicator.

Expose the tip of your penis and gently squeeze the head so that the opening widens slightly.

2. Apply Vitaros

Hold the applicator above the opening of the penis. Slowly push down the plunger, ensuring all of the cream goes down the urethra. If there is any Vitaros remaining on the tip of the penis, gently push the cream into the opening with a clean finger.

Do not insert the applicator tip into the opening of your penis

3. Wait 30 seconds

Hold your penis upright for about 30 seconds to aid absorption. Rub in any excess cream around the opening. Then wash your hands with soap and water.

You should start to gain an erection within 5 to 30 minutes.[1] In some men it may take a little longer. Your erection should last for between one and two hours, or until you ejaculate.

For a demonstration and further information, watch our short application video now

If you have any further queries, please speak with your doctor who will be able to advise.

Further support can be found in the Patient Information Leaflet.
Additionally, if you have any queries, please see our FAQs section which may be helpful or speak with your healthcare provider.

Application FAQs

1. How do I maximise the effectiveness of Vitaros?

Please ensure you follow the instructions in the patient information leaflet provided with your medication. We also have a short application support video here and some further application guidance here. Speak with your doctor if you have any queries regarding your medication.

2. How long does Vitaros last?

While the onset of erection is from 5 to 30 minutes, your erection will last about 1hour, and in some cases up to 2 hours. It should subside after you ejaculate.[1]

3. How do I apply Vitaros?

Please see our Application Guidance page for a step-by-step process and an application video.

4. What side effects may I get from using Vitaros?

Like with all medications, there are some side effects which may occur through use of Vitaros. These are mild in nature and often resolve quickly and include localised burning and itching sensations or a rash.[1]
Additionally, some side effects have been reported by sexual partners which include mild vaginal burning or itching. It is advised that you use a condom to avoid this.[1]

5. What factors may reduce my erection after application?

Urinating following application can result in loss of the medication and reduced efficacy of the medication.[1]

6. Does Vitaros protect me from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?

No, the medication offers no protection from STDs so using a condom may be required to protect you and your partner.[1]

7. Should I tell my partner I am using Vitaros?

It is recommended that you inform your partner when using Vitaros because, in some cases, partners have felt side effects in the genital area.[1]

8. Should I use a condom?

Yes, you could wear a condom as Vitaros does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases and it may also cause some side effects in your partners genital region. While these side effects have been shown to be mild and not occur in every case, it is better to wear a condom to reduce the likelihood of this happening.[1]

More FAQs can be found here.


1. Vitaros Summary of Product Characteristics. Available at: (last viewed June 2024)